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Blue Diner
Restaurant & Grill
Tello Grocery
Teatro Puerto Rico
Getränkestand am Straßenrand
Housewares & Gift Center
Rainbow Shoes
FDNY Engine 83/Ladder 29
138th Street Community Garden
Plausch am Straßenrand
E 132nd Street
Welcome to the Bronx
Sunday Carwash
Greenhill Supply
Brook Ave - Chevrolet
Brook Ave
138th Street
Park Row
Imbiss am Millenium Park
Oculus World Trade Center
World Trade Center
One World Trade Center
Oculus World Trade Center
Lower Manhattan
Oculus World Trade Center
World Trade Center
9/11 Memorial Pools - North Tower Pool
9/11 Memorial Pools - South Tower Pool
9/11 Memorial Pools - South Tower Pool
9/11 Memorial Pools - South Tower Pool
Wall Street - New York Stock Exchange
Broadway - Trinity Church Mosaikfenster
Wall Street - New York Stock Exchange
State Street
The Battery - Battery-Park
Skyline Manhattan
Skyline Manhattan
Skyline Manhattan
Skyline Manhattan
Skyline Manhattan
Skyline Manhattan
Radio City Music Hall
Radio City Music Hall
Radio City Music Hall
Times Square
138th Street - Baustelle
Grand Central Station
Grand Central Station
Grand Central Station
Grand Central Station - Information
42nd Street
Chrysler Building
Chrysler Building - Eingangshalle
Chrysler Building - Treppenhaus
Chrysler Building
44th Street - Mural
44th Street - Kobra´s Peace Mural
45th Street - Mural
Chrysler Building & One Vanderbild
United Nations - Globe Sculpture
United Nations - Non-Violence Sculpture
United Nations - Eingangshalle
United Nations Headquarters
United Nations Headquarters
Wall Street - Charging Bull
Oculus World Trade Center
Oculus World Trade Center
Oculus World Trade Center
One World Observatory - Brooklyn Brdige
One World Observatory
One World Observatory - The Edge
One World Observatory - Empire State Building
One World Observatory
One World Observatory - Empire State Building
One World Observatory - The Edge
Brighton 6th Street
Brighton Beach Avenue